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OCULUS Meta Quest 3 512GB Mixed Reality Headset Alb
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OCULUS Meta Quest 3 512GB Mixed Reality Headset Alb

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Descriere produs

Bucura-te de imagini imbunatatite cu un ecran de inalta rezolutie si optica pancake, sustinute de un chipset de ultima generatie (Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2), pentru performante grafice superioare!

Noul Meta Quest 3 introduce tehnologia Meta Reality, care imbina lumea fizica si cea virtuala, permitand interactiuni naturale si experiente imersive. Castile reproiectate se concentreaza pe confort si control, cu un profil mai subtire si controllere Touch Plus reproiectate, intr-o forma simplificata care incorporeaza sistemul haptic TruTouch pentru un feedback imbunatatit.

VR-ul dispune de o realitate mixta revolutionara care permite un spectru de experiente. Poti canta la un pian virtual pe masuta ta de cafea sau poti deschide un portal catre o alta dimensiune chiar in sufrageria ta - totul in timp ce Passthrough de inalta fidelitate, cu culori intregi, iti pastreaza imprejurimile fizice la vedere cu de peste 10 ori mai multi pixeli fata de Meta Quest 2. Este suficient sa atingi de doua ori partea laterala a castii Meta Quest 3 pentru a face o tranzitie perfecta intre o experienta complet imersiva si un mediu mixt cu elemente virtuale suprapuse peste mediul fizic.

Performanta maxima: Cu o putere de procesare grafica dubla fata de Quest 2, Quest 3 este primul dispozitiv din lume care dispune de noua platforma Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 dezvoltata in colaborare cu Qualcomm Technologies. Timpii de incarcare sunt fulgeratori, iar detaliile incredibil de clare din jocurile imersive sfideaza asteptarile.

Cele mai avansate elemente optice si de afisare: ecranul sau 4K+ Infinite Display realizeaza un salt de aproape 30% in ceea ce priveste rezolutia fata de Meta Quest 2. Obtii 25 de pixeli pe grad si 1.218 pixeli pe inch pentru cea mai buna rezolutie din intreaga linie Quest. Imaginile din Quest 3 sunt atat de spectaculoase incat vei dori sa intinzi mana si sa atingi lumea din jurul tau.

Profil mai subtire: Ansamblul optic cu lentile pancake de ultima generatie ofera Quest 3 un profil optic cu 40% mai subtire decat Quest 2, fara a compromite profunzimea imersiunii vizuale.

Confortul intalneste personalizarea: Profilul reproiectat si mai subtire al Quest 3 prezinta o potrivire mai personalizabila si o distributie echilibrata a greutatii decat cea a Quest 2, astfel incat sa poti juca ceea ce iubesti intr-un confort maxim. Porti castile peste ochelari? Quest 3 are un design cu curea reglabila moale.

Inconjoara-te de sunet: Fie ca urmaresti cel mai recent blockbuster de la Hollywood, te scufunzi intr-o sesiune epica de jocuri, lucrezi la obiectivele de fitness sau iesi cu prietenii, vei fi inconjurat de actiune cu un nou nivel de sunet spatial. Bucura-te de o claritate sporita a sunetului si de performante imbunatatite ale basului, plus o gama audio cu 40% mai puternica decat Quest 2 pentru cea mai captivanta experienta de pana acum.

Quest 3 este compatibil cu intreaga biblioteca Quest 2, care cuprinde peste 500 de jocuri si aplicatii, iar mai multe titluri vor fi disponibile ulterior.

  • Cod MemoX: 79290
  • Cod EAN: 815820025344
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Procesare comanda estimativ 9-10 zile
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Garantie extinsa 3 ani inclusa
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- Verificare reparatie online 24/7
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Vinde un telefon pe care nu il mai folosesti


  • Power: Advanced hardware stack and the first headset with the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2, delivering double the GPU processing power for faster load times and more seamless gameplay compared to Meta Quest 2. This brings enough power to support heavy applications like fast-action gaming, seamless full-color, high-resolution passthrough, and so much more.
  • Storage: 512GB. Enables continued exploration of the vast library of titles.
  • Mixed Reality: 2 RGB cameras with 18 PPD, for 10X the resolution of Quest 2 and 2X the resolution of Quest Pro in passthrough. Delivers full-color, high-fidelity views of your surroundings while you see virtual objects appear in your physical space. Accurate depth projection and room mapping gives you freedom to move throughout your space and interact with virtual characters or objects in the room around you.
  • Audio: Integrated stereo speakers with 3D spatial audio places you in your space with 40% louder audio range, bass range and optimal L/R matching capabilities. 3.5mm audio jack for headphones and sound output to external audio devices.
  • DRAM: 8GB. 33% more memory compared with Meta Quest 2, giving you more support to play your favorite apps with optimal performance.
  • WiFi: Wi-Fi 6E enabled (region permitting).


  • Strap Design: Soft adjustable strap accommodates a variety of head shapes and hairstyles.
  • Depth adjustment: Easily adjust the facial interface closer or farther from your face to improve comfort and field of view.
  • Headset Weight: 515 grams. Pancake optics create a 40% slimmer optic profile* for more comfortable wear.*As compared to Quest 2 excluding the facial interface.

Display & Optics Technology

  • Display Resolution: 2064x2208 pixels per eye enhances resolution by nearly 30% compared to Meta Quest 2 for next-level clarity and lifelike graphics. 4K+ Infinite Display with 25PPD and 1218 PPI brings the best resolution across the entire Quest line of devices.
  • Refresh rate: 72Hz, 80Hz, 90Hz, 120Hz (experimental only).
  • Field of View: 110 degrees horizontal and 96 degrees vertical. This extends your peripheral vision to let you see more of virtual worlds, all at once, for the most immersive experiences yet.
  • Optics: Pancake lens provides a slimmer optic profile* without compromising the depth of your visual immersion. Increased sharpness by 25% in center FOV (~70% sharper in periphery), with significantly less stray or scattered light artifacts.*As compared to Quest 2 excluding the facial interface.
  • Lens adjustment: Accommodated IPD range: 53-75 mm, with mechanical lens spacing adjustment wheel for smooth adjustment and better visual clarity.

Meta Quest Touch Plus Controllers

  • Comfort: Play comfortably with a streamlined, ring-free design. Experience more natural movement and precise input as if they’re a natural extension of your hands.
  • Haptics: TruTouch variable haptics provide tactile feedback, enabling a more holistic range of in-experience sensations so you can touch, move and react realistically within virtual environments.


  • Mixed reality passthrough: 2 RGB Color cameras and depth projector for improved depth and resolution.
  • Direct Touch Hand Tracking: Advanced hybrid computer vision and machine learning sensors follow your gestures, with 4 IR cameras and 2 RGB cameras cameras to enable controller-free navigation and more intuitive control. Simply move your hands to tap, scroll, navigate and play.
  • Content Library: 500+ titles bring a vast library of experiences. There’s something for everyone to discover in more immersive ways, thanks to mixed reality and better performance enabling faster load times, seamless play and ultra-realistic graphics.
  • Backwards Compatibility: Full access to the entire catalog of Meta Quest apps, games and experiences. Keep playing your favorite titles, with game updates to optimize viewing and performance.
  • PC Support: Supported with Meta Quest Link Cable and Air Link to connect your headset to the power of your PC to unlock yet another level of gameplay (not included).


  • Battery life: Up to 2.2 hours of usage on average; Gaming: 2.4 hours of usage on average; Social: 2.2 hours of usage on average; Productivity: 1.5 hours of usage on average; Media: 2.9 hours of usage on average
    As with most battery powered devices, battery life is dependent on various factors such as device settings, usage, age of battery, Bluetooth usage, and wireless conditions.
  • Charge Time: Approximately 2.3 hours with the included 18W power adapter (headset only).
  • Easy charging: Built-in USB-C port for charging and connectivity. Contact pads on bottom of device simplify charging, when combined with the external dock accessory (not included).


  • External LED: Signal notifies bystanders that the external cameras are in use.
  • Data Protection: Advanced encryption plus customized settings include data sharing opt-in/opt-out, electronic mic/camera disconnect and password/PIN protection to let multiple users explore safely.

Review-uri (4 review-uri)

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5 (4 review-uri)

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17 October 2024
OCULUS Meta Quest 3 512GB Mixed Reality Headset Alb

Cu noile camere RGB, experientele de realitate mixta sunt mult mai captivante si realiste.

12 September 2024
OCULUS Meta Quest 3 512GB Mixed Reality Headset Alb

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14 August 2024
OCULUS Meta Quest 3 512GB Mixed Reality Headset Alb

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7 March 2024
OCULUS Meta Quest 3 512GB Mixed Reality Headset Alb

Comanda a ajuns foarte repede si sunt foarte multumita de produs. Detaliile incredibile și culorile frumoase m-au făcut să simt că particip activ la scenele din jocuri.